
New projects are requested through Planview. Once a request is made, it is reviewed and either approved, deferred or rejected. If approved, the project goes on for further planning.
When projects are assessed, the assessment lets the audience know how well a project is doing in meeting its targeted completion and why the target may not be met. The Manager Assessment provides information on project status and the Assessment Notes provide additional details. These instructions show you how to assess your project in Planview.  
After a project request is approved during the Capture Gate review, the Investment Portfolio Manager or Product/Service Owner assigns it to a Definition Project Manager. The Definition Project Manager works with Subject Matter Experts to complete the Definition Stage. This gives the Service Portfolio Owner an investment proposal which can be used to make a decision about committing ITS resources to fulfill the request or not.
Once a Requirement has been created, the Resource Manager can approve and assign the Requirement to a resource. After the Requirement has been reserved or allocated, the Project Manager can verify no other Requirements are pending or unfilled.
Information and Technology Services (ITS) strives to ensure that the university receives the greatest value in exchange for its investment in information technology services. Effort tracking is one way ITS communicates the value of its services to the CFO, Provost, President and Board of Regents, among many others. Quantifying the cost (via effort) to provide information technology services helps demonstrate the number of staff required to run operations and services and assists in communicating what work level is available on all projects requested by its various constituents. Effort tracking provides ITS not only with data that can be used to estimate future work, but also a more objective way for supervisors and staff to discuss work level.
Requirements are used to define resource needs at a high level. Without actually identifying a specific resource, Project Managers create Requirements based on specific criteria (e.g., skills that a resource should possess).
This procedure describes how to automatically add activities (allocations, authorizations, and standard activities) to your Timesheets. Auto-Add entries apply to future Timesheets.
Lifecycle is the Planview terminology for workflow. Once a project request is made, its status can be tracked by viewing its lifecycle. This document explains how to view the lifecycle for any requested project prior to the approval at the end of the definition stage. The lifecycle flowchart displays the requested project’s history, current status, and next steps as well as the people who performed or will perform each step.
Did you know? You can review your scheduled assignments and take action. You can mark your work complete on a particular work item in your timesheet. You can update your remaining effort on a work item in your timesheet.