Planview: Add a Project Request


New projects are requested through Planview. Once a request is made, it is reviewed and either approved, deferred or rejected. If approved, the project goes on for further planning.

Navigation: Requests - New Request

Add a New Request

New Request Window

  • Enter a Description.
  • (Optional) Include a Requested Start Date or Finish Date if there is a business need.
  • Click Continue.
  • If this request came from someone outside of ITS, enter their name in the Requested For field.

    Note: Additional information can be included in the Request Additional Information field.

Request Details Window

  • Select the Request Priority and Rush Order.


    • The Service Portfolio Owner receives an email notification for each rush order request.
    • The first time you add a request, you need to create a request portfolio (you are promted to click New Portfolio.)
    • You receive an email notification when the Capture Gate decision has been made.


  • Next to the red bar, Fill out the Request Qualifiers.

    Note: Hover over the field titles to display their descriptions.

  • Click Save.