SUBMIT A SINGLE JOB - Slurm - sbatch

The sbatch command is used to submit a batch script to Slurm. Slurm will reject the job at submission time if there are requests or constraints that Slurm cannot fulfill as specified. This gives the user the opportunity to examine the job request and resubmit it with the necessary corrections.

To submit a batch script, while logged into the cluster (i.e. ssh to the cluster and be on a login node), simply run: sbatch <jobScriptFile>

Below are additional job commands one might run.


Command Slurm
Submit a job sbatch <job script>
Delete a job scancel <job ID>
Job status (all) squeue
Job status (by job) squeue -j <job ID>
Job status (by user) sq        (equivalent of: squeue -u <your_uniqname>)

sq <user> (equivalent of: squeue -u <user>)

Job status (detailed) scontrol show job -dd <job ID>
Show expected start time squeue -j <job ID> --start
Queue list / info scontrol show partition <name>
Node list scontrol show nodes
Node details scontrol show <node>
Hold a job scontrol hold <job ID>
Release a job scontrol release <job ID>
Cluster status sinfo
Start an interactive job salloc <args>
X forwarding salloc <args> --x11
Read stdout messages at runtime No equivalent command / not needed. Use the --output option instead.
Monitor or review a job’s resource usage sacct -j <job_num> --format JobID,jobname,NTasks,nodelist,CPUTime,ReqMem,Elapsed

(see sacct for all format options)

View job batch script scontrol write batch_script <jobID>
View accounts you can submit to sacctmgr show assoc user=$USER
View users with access to an account sacctmgr show assoc account=<account>
View default submission account and wckey sacctmgr show user <account>