
This page contains all the "Help Me Decide" text on the MiServer forms. Server Role Select the type of role this server will be performing. This field is required before proceeding with your request. If you selected a Windows Managed Operating System, choose between web server, application server, and database server. If you selected a Linux Managed Operating System, choose between web server, application sever, or development server.
Welcome to the MiServer Virtualization Service. Here are some important steps designed to assist you with the initial access and administration of your virtual server. Connect to the Campus VPN For information and installation instructions, please see U-M Virtual Private Network (VPN).
The Customer Active Directory OU Tool This tool on your server's desktop will give you access to your MiServer Managed Windows customer OU in Active Directory. OU admins have the ability to:
Welcome to the MiServer Managed Service. Here are some important steps designed to assist you with connecting and configuring your access to your virtual server. Join MCommunity Group To ensure that you are aware of all system maintenance issues, service issues, and announcements, please join the MiServer Notify MCommunity group. To join this group, go to the MiServer Notify directory site, Log In, and click Join Group.
Servers subscribed to the Managed OS Windows service are scanned monthly for severity vulnerabilites. The MiServer service is commited to addressing vulnerabilities discovered within the managed OS components of hosted servers; Windows customers are also expected to mitigate vulnerabilities discovered in software components they have installed on top of the managed OS. Examples of customer supported components include but are not limited to Apache, Chrome, Firefox, Java, Microsoft Office, OpenSSL, Oracle, SharePoint, Wireshark, etc.
Overview MiServer is a virtual server environment managed by ITS that offers the flexibility to select server options that fit your campus computing needs. Support Materials Quick Start Guide (IAAS) Quick Start Guide (Managed Windows Service) Managed Linux Service Overview