MiServer: Help Me Decide

This page contains all the "Help Me Decide" text on the MiServer forms.

Server Role

Select the type of role this server will be performing. This field is required before proceeding with your request.

If you selected a Windows Managed Operating System, choose between web server, application server, and database server.

If you selected a Linux Managed Operating System, choose between web server, application sever, or development server.

Support Items

Select the time and date you would like to schedule backups, patching, and rebooting of your server. To avoid scheduling conflicts between these components, please note that you cannot schedule these services within two hours of each other.

For example: If you select 6 p.m., Monday for your MiServer backup time, you cannot schedule patching or rebooting between the hours of 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. the same day.

If possible, we recommend scheduling these services on different days to avoid conflicts.

Note for Non-Managed Servers: It is your responsibility to install and configure the backup client on the provisioned server. Instructions are included on the resource page and will be included in the followup email after your request is processed.

Admin Group

The Admin Group is a group of people that have the ability to edit server configurations (add or remove Ram/CPU/Disk). Admin Groups are maintained in MCommunity.

You can select the appropriate Admin Group from the drop down list or navigate to MCommunity to add a new group. Guidelines for adding or creating a new group include:

  • Must be a public group
  • Group must only contain individuals, not other groups
  • Group should not be members-only or moderated
  • Messages can be sent to the group by all
  • Self-Joining groups cannot be selected and are excluded from the drop-down list

See Creating an MCommunity Group for more information.

If you create a new Admin group, click Update My Groups to refresh your group list. It may take a few moments for your new Admin group to appear in the list.

Operating System

Select the type of operating system you would like for your server. You can choose between managed or non-managed versions of the operating system.

A managed OS includes patching, anti-virus, backup/recovery and monitoring of the specific OS by ITS.
A non-managed OS requires you to load the server with the desired OS and provide administration of that server.

Server is Public-Facing

Based on the function of your server, ITS provides two options:

Select Public facing: server needs to be accessible from Campus and/or outside of UM The Port information that is allowed for Public facing servers includes:

  • Public Facing (Web) ‐ Inbound Traffic Public Web Access: Allows ports ‐ 80/tcp, https 443/tcp Web Services Management Access from UMNET: Allows ports ‐ SNMP‐ALL, imcp, ms‐rdp(3389/tcp ssh (22/tcp)o
  • Public Facing (Web) ‐ Outbound Traffic: Allows ALL outbound traffic

Select Non-public facing: Server should only be accessible to admins and other servers The Port information that is allowed for Non-public facing servers includes:

  • Non-public facing ‐ Inbound Traffic: Management access from UMNET: Allows ports ‐ SNMP–ALL, icmp, ms‐rdp (3389), netbios‐dgm (138/udp), netbios‐ns (137/udp), netbios‐ssn (139/tcp), ssh (22/tcp), udp‐139 (139/udp) VMWare‐902/tcp Access from UMNET on standard database ports: Allows ‐ MS‐SQL(tcp/udp 1433, 1434), SQLNet(tcp/1521, 1525, 1526), MySQL (3306/tcp) P2V Network Traffic for Migrations (443/tcp)
  • Non-public facing ‐ Outbound Traffic: Allows All Outbound Traffic

Recovery Options

A Data Center loss can occur if there is a major disaster at our main data center (such as fire, explosion, IT sabotage). MiServer offers disk replication, which reduces server downtime in the event of a disaster and is restored by ITS.

No, a copy is not needed
Yes, please make an hourly copy to a secondary data center

Note: Neither recovery option includes individual data recovery nor resets due to user error.

Moving Data

A service is available to help move your existing data to the new server.

Select No if assistance is not needed.
Select Yes if you would like ITS to contact you to determine a transfer plan.


A prefix will help identify the server as belonging to your organization.

Select No to use the default prefix for your organization in your server name.
Select Yes to manually enter your registered U-M Windows Organization prefix.

Visit the U-M Windows Organization Prefixes page to view the current list of existing registered prefixes and their associated owner.

Server Name

Enter your server's name. If you have selected a managed windows server or you have a registered prefix, this field will automatically default to include the appropriate prefix.

For all non-windows servers please note that your server name will have the following added to the end of the name: 'miserver.umich.edu'

Note: Server name must be less than 15 characters.


You can choose the number of CPUs from the drop-down list. For managed systems, the recommended value is two or more CPUs.


You can choose the amount of RAM available on your server from the drop-down list. For managed systems, the recommended value is four or more gigabytes.

Disk Space

Choose the amount of disk space you would like available on your server from the drop-down list. You can add an unlimited number of disks until sum of all disks equals six terabytes. The first disk you select will have the Operating System installed if you are selecting a Managed OS (Windows or Linux).

If you are modifying your Non-Managed Windows OS, note that the disk space for Disk 1 defaults to 10 GB and cannot be decreased. You will be able to increase the amount up to 1.9 terabytes.

If you are modifying your Managed Linux OS, note that disk space for Disk 0 defaults to 50 GB only. If you need additional disk space you'll be able to increase the ammount by adding an additional disk

After-Hours Support

If a problem with your server is detected, you have two options to be notified.
Select Contact me/my group 24/7 if you would like to be notified any time there is an issue, regardless of time. Select this option if you have webservers that need to be up and running 24/7 or applications that are critical during non-business hours. In the event that our monitoring systems detect a problem, we will contact the person listed to perform system testing once the service is restored.
Select Contact me/my group only during business hours if you do not have servers or applications that are critical during non-buisness hours.

Note: If you select Contact me/my group 24/7, please provide the email address of the person/group you would like to be notified after hours.


Two-factor authentication is automatically enabled on your server for optimal IT security of your server and data. Depending on the data type maintained within your server environment, you may be required by IIA policy to use two-factor authentication. Accounts used to access this server will be required to use two-factor authentication. For more information, visit the Two-Factor Authentication support page.

Getting Help

For help, please contact the Service Center:

Last Updated: 
Tuesday, September 27, 2016 - 00:00