IP Fax: Send a Fax

  1. Select Send Fax from the iFax Menu.
  2. Manually Enter a New Fax Number, or
    1. Manually enter a fax number in the Destination Fax Number field.
    2. If sending from the Ann Arbor Campus enter:
      • 9+1+10 digits for a Long Distance number
      • 9+7 digits for Local number
      • 5 digits for a University number
    3. If sending from the Dearborn or Flint campus enter:
      • 9+1+10 digits for all numbers
  3. Select from Distribution Lists, or
    1. Select Distribution Lists in the Destination Fax Number field.
    2. Select the desired Distribution List from your list of contacts.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Click Close Window when you have selected the desired contact(s).
  4. Select from Contacts/Fax Numbers
    1. Select Contacts/Fax Numbers in the Destination Fax Number field.
    2. Select the desired Contact(s) from your list of contacts.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Click Close Window when you have selected the desired contact(s).
  5. Select a File to Fax
    1. Click Browse (for a Windows computer) or Choose File (for a Macintosh computer) to select the file you wish to fax.

      File Requirements:

      • The following file formats can be faxed: .PS, .PDF, .TIF, or .TXT
      • Maximum file size is 40 MB.
      • Computer documents not in one of these formats or hand-written documents need to be re-saved into one of the acceptable formats.

    2. Files can be removed from faxes by clicking Delete to the right of the file name on the Send Fax page.
  6. Select Fax Options

    iFax allows you to select from several delivery options. Select the options required from the Options menu:

    Notify on requeue:
    notifies you via email you provided in your Settings menu if the fax was not sent successfully.
    Schedule delivery:
    permits you to select a specific time to send the fax.
    Kill time:
    cancels the fax after a specific number of hours, minutes, or failed attempts.
    Number of tries:
    defines the number of failed attempts desired before killing the fax. A maximum of three tries is suggested.
    Use cover page:
    allows you to select a coverage page for your fax. This will expand a cover page section to complete prior to sending your fax.

  7. Send Fax
    • Click Send once you have selected the desired recipients, files, and options.


  • Faxes sent to email addresses are received as .tif files.
  • Faxes sent to a fax phone number are received as .pdf files.

Last Updated: 
Friday, July 29, 2016 - 00:00