OARS: Batch Requests

Access the Online Access Request System.

Only Approvers can submit batch requests.

Download the Batch Request Template

Note If you have already downloaded and completed the Batch Request Template, go to Upload Batch Request.

  1. Click Batch Request.
  2. Click Download.
  3. Save the file.

Complete the Batch Template

Note If you have already downloaded and completed the Batch Request Template, go to Upload Batch Request.

  1. Open the Batch Request Template file.
  2. Enter applicable information in the template columns:
    The Uniqname of the users whose roles are being added or removed.
    Can be found by doing a search for the user in OARS, or by doing a search in MCommunity.
    The name of the role listed right before the System in parenthesis.
    Found in parenthesis next to each Role Name. Valid values include: FIN, OARS, IMG, HCM, CS, MRPT, MCPS, DART, DW, BMGR ,AD.
    Addition or Removal.
  3. Save as a CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) file.

    Use a unique file name. Do not overwrite the blank Batch Template Request file.

Upload Batch Request

  1. Click Batch Request.
  2. Click Browse.
  3. Locate the file and click Open.

    Note The file name will display next to the Browse button.

  4. Click Upload Batch.
  5. Review the Request Summary section.


    • Review the Action column carefully for proper Addition or Removal of roles.
    • Review the Is Valid column to verify that all requests display a Green Checkmark . If a batch request contains invalid values, you have two options to correct it:
      • Submit the batch request. All valid requests will be submitted for approval. You will then need to submit a new individual access request for each invalid value.
      • Click Dismiss Request, correct the CSV file, then repeat the Upload Batch Request process.

  6. If applicable, enter Additional Comments.
  7. Note Comments entered in this field will display on ALL requests in the batch.

  8. Select the applicable radio button:
    • Send Request Confirmation Emails
    • Do Not Send Request Confirmation Emails
  9. Click the applicable button:
    • Submit - to submit the request for approval.

      Note For roles that have Secondary Securities, the request will not be submitted yet. You will be prompted to complete a Secondary Security form before submitting the request.

    • Dismiss Request - to delete the request.
Last Updated: 
Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 00:00