Information Quest: Processing Project Requests


This document explains the process that the  Information Quest team uses when they receive project requests through ServiceLINK. It explains what to expect from the team and when to expect it.  


Upon submission - automatic reply from ServiceLINK

Within 2 business days - reply from IQ staff member to inform of next prioritization meeting

Within 1 week - Obtain all information needed to complete the request


Weekly - new requests are presented at a prioritization meeting and projects are scheduled and assigned
Note: if a request is put on hold, it will be presented at future prioritization meetings until scheduled

Within 2 business days of prioritization meeting - assign to IQ staff member (or PMO if large project) to relay decision, timing, and public facing list to customer. Add to public facing list


Within 2 business days of prioritization meeting - IQ staff member relays decision to customer with case/reason


When project begins - IQ staff member will let customer know their project began

Bi-weekly - IQ staff member will update customer with current projects

Once a month - IQ staff member will update customer with projects on hold

Last Updated: 
Wednesday, October 17, 2018 - 00:00