Canvas: For PCs — Moving CTools Resources to Canvas Files

Outline of the process 

  1. Set up WebDAV on your computer and use it to download CTools Resources.
  2. Drag the files or folders to Canvas Files.

Important considerations  

  1. When you migrate a CTools resource, it will not include the resource's metadata, such as who created it, the date created, and date last modified, along with any copyright information. 
  2. If you renamed a resource using the "Actions > Edit Details > Rename" feature in the Resources tool, the filename will revert to the original filename (the name given to it when it was created) when you use WebDAV. You can rename the file after you move it to your desktop or upload it to Canvas.
  3. If you have tools in CTools resources that are linked to activities such as assignments, you can preserve those links by requesting the Convert2Canvas service from ITS rather than transferring resources to Canvas files yourself.
    • You cannot upload resources that are URLs to Canvas.  To replace the URLs, we recommend that you open CTools in one browser window and copy each URL from CTools Resources into one of the following locations in Canvas:
    • If you want a single list of URLs for your students, create either a document to upload to Files or a Page in Canvas and paste the links there.
    • Incorporate the URLs (links) throughout materials that you have in the Canvas Files tool (such as Word docs), or in Canvas Announcements, Pages, Assignments, etc., using the "link" button found throughout Canvas features in the editor. 

Image Link Icon

Image of Link in Rich Text Editor

Download resources from CTools using WebDAV

   There must be at least one object (file, folder etc.) in the course or project resource area before you begin the setup procedure.
1.  You will need browser windows open for both CTools and for Canvas:

Open the Resources tool in the CTools site from which you will download resources.  
Open the Files tool in the left-hand navigation the Canvas site you will upload the files to.

2.  In the CTools Resources tool, along the top of the main window, click Upload/Download Multiple Resources. 

Image Canvas multiple download window

In a yellow-orange box, you'll see a long URL.  Keep this window open or copy the URL to another location.  You'll refer back to it in Step 6, below.

3.  From your PC desktop or the Start menu, click Computer.
4.  At the top of the window, click Map Network Drive.

5.  In the "Drive" field  A  select a vacant drive letter (e.g., Z) from the drop-down menu.

Image of Canvas WebDAV Window

6.  In the "Folder" field  copy and paste the URL from the yellow-orange box (see Step 2, above).
7.  Click Finish.
8.  When prompted, enter your uniqname and password.
9. Click OK.

When the setup process is complete, the CTools site's resources will appear in a new drive window.  
 If you go to a different window, you may have to enter your uniqname and password when you return to the drive window.

Drag the files and folders to Canvas Files

1.  Position your windows so you can see and access the resources in the drive window as well as the open Canvas Files tool.
2.  To upload folders, you must first compress (zip) them.  (Files do not need to be compressed.)

If you have a zip app installed, typically you will right-click on the folder and your zip option will appear.  (If you're using 7Zip, use the "Add to [foldername].zip" option.)

When you zip a folder or file, there may be a delay and you may need to refresh the drive window — click the refresh button in the upper-right corner.

Image of refresh button

Image of refresh button


If you don't have a zip app, you can download 7Zip (free), WinZip, or another zip app.  

3.  Drag files and compressed folders directly from the drive window to the Canvas Files window. You can also drag them first to the desktop and then to Canvas Files.  

When the upload begins, you'll be given the option to either expand the zipped folder, or you can choose to expand it after it has uploaded.  

An alternate method is to use the Upload button Upload button.png in the upper-right corner of the Canvas Files window.

Here is another alternate method to import files:




Last Updated: 
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 - 00:00