Using the MCommunityGidNumber API (Web Service)

This document provides information about the MCommunityGidNumber application programming interface (API). The MCommunityGidNumber API is a web service that IT professionals can use to reserve gid numbers for groups. Instructions on making a request, available input parameters, and potential outputs and definitions are detailed in this document. This document assumes a basic understanding of the U-M API Directory. See the Help page on the API Directory website for information about the API Directory.

About the API

The MCommunityGidNumber API is a web service that IT professionals can use to reserve gid numbers for groups. A gid number is used in Unix/Linux systems as a unique identifier for a group. This service enables reservation of gid numbers in a way that avoids overlap with ones assigned by the ITS MCommunity team and others.

The API is restricted to 60 calls per minute. The MCommunityGidNumber API supports JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

Use the ITS Service Status page to stay informed about potential outages of this web service.

Making a Request

The API is located in the API Directory as MCommunityGidNumber.

First, register your application in the API Directory.

  1. Log in to the API Directory with your uniqname and UMICH password.

  2. Register your application with the API Directory by adding it as a new application.

Then, follow these steps to make a request.

  1. On the API Directory site, navigate to the MCommunityGidNumber API.

  2. Subscribe to the MCommunityGidNumber API by selecting your application in the drop-down list. Note your consumer key and consumer secret.

  3. Use your consumer key and consumer secret obtained in step two to generate an access token either:

    By default, access tokens are available for one hour.

  4. Make a request using the appropriate input parameters and the sample request and response listed below.

Input Parameter Definition Data type Example
Administrator (uniqname) The uniqname of the reference person responsible for maintaining the group to which the gidNumber is assigned. Multiple people can be listed here. string bjensen
System The name of the server or system in which the group will be used. string (server)
MiWorkspace (system)
Foreign Key Group name. If an MCommunity group, use the group email value without the For non-MCommunity groups, enter the group name. string groupname
Description Provides a description for the gidNumber string MiWorkspace GID Number
MCommunity Group gidNumber
Reserved for MCIT

Sample Request and Output

Requesting a gidNumber for a system.

Format of request:


Example request:


Sample output:

"idNumber": {
"dn": "umichGidNumber=2600007,ou=gidNumbers,o=Registry",
"adminUid": "bjensen",
"idNumber": "2600007",
"description": "MCommunity Group gidNumber"

Output Definitions

Output Definition Data type Example
dn The fully qualified distinguished name (dn) of the gidNumber object in the MCommunity LDAP tree. DN umichGidNumber=2600007,ou=gidNumbers,o=Registry
adminUid The uniqname of one or more people who own this gidNumber. string bjensen
idNumber The gidNumber for this group. string 2600007
description The description that will be stored in MCommunity for this gidNumber. string MCommunity Group gidNumber
Last Updated: 
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 - 00:00