Computer Virus Protection at the University of Michigan


Computer viruses cause numerous problems for both you and the U-M computing environment. To combat these problems, the university offers a number of safeguards, including provision of free anti-virus software programs.

Free Anti-Virus Software

NoteThe first line of defense is maintaining up-to-date anti-virus software on your computer. To make this as simple as possible, the university provides excellent commercial anti-virus software to students, faculty, and staff.

  1. Windows: Download Microsoft Security Essentials or Microsoft Forefront from the Safe Computing website.

  2. Mac OS X: Although there are fewer viruses and malware that can infect Mac OS X, it never hurts to be prepared. Download Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac OS X from the Safe Computing website. You will be required authenticate using your uniqname and UMICH password.

Simple Steps to Help Yourself

  1. Download and install the anti-virus software listed above.. You will be required to login using your uniqname and UMICH password to download the software.

  2. Never open any email attachment without directly contacting the sender — even if it appears to be your best friend or a relative. Many viruses are distributed through attachments, and it is simple for hackers to forge an email address. Instead of replying to the original email, send a new message or call.

  3. Beware downloading free items from the Internet, including those from peer-to-peer file sharing sites like Kazaa. This is another popular way to distribute viruses.

  4. Beware of fraudulent e-mails that ask for your password. The university will never ask for your password this way. Learn more about Spam, Phishing, and Suspicious Email to stay informed in similar situations.

If Your Computer Is Infected

If you fail to follow the simple steps above, computer viruses will infect your computer. We offer a few ways to help you remove a virus infection:

  1. Contact the ITS Service Center for assistance.

  2. Take your computer to the ITS Computer Support & Repair Service at the U-M Computer Showcase. Technicians will consult with you at no charge. They can, for a fee, disinfect your computer and install the appropriate anti-virus program.

  3. If you live in a residence hall, visit the Center for Vulnerability Control.

How the University Helps You

NoteSome of these items were mentioned previously.

  1. Provision—at no cost— of excellent commercial anti-virus software specially configured for U-M.

  2. Support through the ITS Service Center.

  3. Virus disinfection service (requires paymnent).

  4. Electronic scans of email attachments that pass through the ITS Mail Gateway for viruses. Of course, neither your email nor the attachment is ever opened or read.

  5. A variety of online resources concerning computer security issues on the Safe Computing website.

Last Updated: 
Thursday, March 20, 2014 - 00:00