Imaging Services: Delete and Restore Documents


Deleted documents are available in the Recycle Bin for 30 days. During that period you can restore any documents that you deleted. The Imaging Services team can, within 30 days of deletion, restore any deleted document regardless of who deleted it.

Delete a Document

The ability to delete documents is limited to certain groups and is requested through OARS.

  1. In Explorer grid, select the document you want to delete. To select multiple documents, hold down the CTRL key while you click the documents.
  2. Click Delete on the Explorer toolbar and then click Yes to the confirmatin prompt.

Restore a Document

  1. Open Documents from the top toolbar or in the views pane on the left of the Explorer window.
  2. Click My Recycled Documents at the bottom of the Documents list.
  3. Right-click on the document and click Restore.


  • A restored document keeps the attributes associated with it at the time of deletion. This includes version control and association with projects, tasks, and workflow queues,
  • If another document exists with document key values identical to the document you are restoring, you are prompted to either replace the existing document or cancel the restore action. If you cancel but still need to perform the restore action, you can change the name or type of the existing document.

Adapted from Perceptive Software Online Help